News & Highlights

Euro Dog Show 2024 in Celje/ Slovenia

I'm very happy after the Euro Dog Show in Celje/ Slovenia. Three Khyi-Mi's attended the show. All the three were Excellent under Mrs. Jasna Matejcic and placed:: Po Európskej výstave psov v Celje /Slovinsko sme veľmi šťastní. Výstavy sa zúčastnili tri naše odchovy a všetci traja dostali od p. rozhodnkyne Jasna Matejcic známu Výborný s umiestnením:

our H litter was born. We kept Lily from this litter :: 14.11.2022 sa nám narodili šteniatka. Z tohto vrhu sme si nechali Lily
18.8.2021 our G litter was born from the combination :: 18.8. 2021 sa nám narodili šteniatka zo spojenia:
C.I.B. MultiCh. Khyi-Mi Emchi Lamleh Bagya x C.I.B. MultiCh. Karma Khyi-Mi Lamleh Hoksa Rex
Our puppies are born on the 7th of May 2018 :: 7. mája 2018 sa nám narodili šteniatka
Viac tu:
1/APR/2017 Happy 7th birthday Khyi-Mi "B" litter! Bodja celebrated his birthday at the show in Bratislava and he made me very happy and proud again. TT's were shown under Mr. Lozic Željko. Bodja won the breed with Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, Cruft's Qualification and BOB and he was awarded
by Mrs. Tatjana Urek. Thank you to the judges. At the final ring, I've had the best supporter ever - my son Miško who cheered loudly all the time :)*
Congratulations also to Khyi-Mi Emchi Lamleh Bhagya who won Very perspective 1 in the Puppy Class with his owner Zuzana Bruderova.
Our puppies are born on 3rd of July 2016 :: 3. júla 2016 sa nám narodili šteniatka
For more information click Litter E :: Pre viac informácií kliknite Vrh E
6/MAR/2016 Sometimes in my life, I start to misdoubt what I'm doing years ago. Then, I need an important signal or a kick to know what way to go. This time I was seriously thinking about an another breed, but I stil wasn't 100 % sure if this is what I really want to do. So, I decided to believe to one signal - the result of the show in Graz / A where I showed Bodja under well respected breed specialist Primož Peer / SI. It was a lot at hazard so I felt stagefever after very long time again. But Bodja enjoyed the show after the long show-break and it was really a pleasure to show him. The result was the special signal for me - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, Best Of Breed. Thank you to Mr. Peer I'll stay with Tibetan Terriers henceforth... ... and I start to plan the next litter seriously.
6/MAR/2016 Občas v živote zapochybujem o tom, čo už roky robím. Potom potrebujem znova nakopnúť tým správnym smerom, aby som vedela, ako ďalej. Tentoraz som vážne uvažovala o inej rase, ale nebola som si na 100 % istá, či je to skutočne to, čo chcem. Preto som sa rozhodla veriť jedinému signálu - výsledku výstavy v rakúskom Grazi, ktorú mal posudzovať veľmi uznávaný odborník, špecialista na rasu, p. Primož Peer zo Slovinska. V stávke bolo oveľa viac, ako obvykle, preto som po dlhom dlhom čase znova pred vstupom do kruhu cítila trému. Ale Bodja si výstavu po dlhšej výstavnej prestávke pekne užíval a vystavovať ho bol pôžitok. Výsledok Výborný 1, CAC, CACIB, Najlepší pes, Best Of Breed bol pre mňa tým rozhodujúcim signálom. Vďaka p. Peerovi zostávam aj naďalej s tibetskými teriérmi... ...a vážne začínam plánovať ďalší vrh.
25/FEB/2016 Bodja did it again. For the fourth time in his almost 6 years long life he is the Winner TT of the year in Slovakia and in this year he is also the allover Tibetan breeds winner again.
Thank you to all the judges who have judged him - in 2015 - to 22 x Best of Breed, 4x Best in Group, 2x Best In Specialty Show and 1x Best In Show.
25/FEB/2016 Bodja to znova dokázal! Už po štvrtý krát vo svojom ani nie 6 ročnom živote sa stal Tibetským Teriérom Roka a aj v tomto roku počtom bodov predbehol aj všetky ostatné tibetské rasy. Ďakujeme rozhodcom, ktorí ho v roku 2015 posúdili s výsledkami 22x Best of Breed, 4x Best in Group, 2x Best In Specialty Show a 1x Best In Show.
28/JAN/2016 EJW'15 Khyi-Mi Dpon Po Lamleh 'Marve' is HD A/B - final B. He is also NCL/PLL/PRA3/rcd4 DNA tested clear. Congratulations to his owners Rita Andreassen and Lill M. Syvertsen.
28/JAN/2016 EJW'15 Khyi-Mi Dpon Po Lamleh 'Marve' je HD A/B - výsledok B. Prešiel aj DNA testmi na NCL/PLL/PRA3/rcd4 s tým najlepším výsledkom - clear. Gratulujeme jeho majiteľkám Rita Andreassen a Lill M. Syvertsen.

Besides dog shows, we are also taking regular walks and TT-trips with our dogs - Hloucel-walk, Paris parks, Second Hana TT-trip.

!!! Junior World Winner 2011 !!!
21. 2. 2011 We were on the East Cup Winner 2011 Show in Kosice (SK). TT's were judged there by well-known and skilled Mrs. Monique Van Brempt (BE). Our Bod-ja (Khyi-Mi Bod-ja Lamleh) showed himself very well and he run out of the ring happy with lovely Exc.1, CAJC, Junior East Winner 2011. After he took a nap, he walked outside and ate a little bit, strong and ready he run in the final ring. He did absolutely great in movement and in the stand too and he ranked the fantastic first place - Best In Show Junior! More pictures from this show you can find in our FB album.

19. 9. 2010 We was on Specialty Club Show KTP in Ruzindol (SK). The weather and feeling were super and the results - perfect!
GCh. Ch. Khyi-Mi Ardin Lamleh - Excellent 1, CAC, CC - she won at thirth time her class at a club-show and she fulfiled the conditions for the title Club Champion! Congratulations to the owner Miska Kovacova Bolgacova and thank you for the great representation of our kennel.
Bhoomi - only 5 months after 8 puppies-birth - Excellent 1, CAC, CC, Best Of Breed and in final ring she were in the shortlist under 6 best in show dogs!
And our happy Khyi-Mi Bod-ja Lamleh enjoyed the athmosphere and the attention of the judge and he achieved the best result Very promissing 1, BEST PUPPY IN SHOW ! Thank you to the judges Mrs. Gabriela Ridarcikova and Mrs. Linda Volarikova for the appreciating our dogs and to the organizers for a great show!
Nr. 1 Tibetan Terrier 2009 in Slovakia and Czech Republic!
She collected enough points to outrun all the Tibetan Terriers in the both countries! We are very proud of her!
1.4.2010 Bhoomi gave us puppies. We have got 5 males and 3 females, all white with black markings. Follow them under Puppies - B-litter.
From this litter we kept a puppy boy - Bodja.
6. 12. 2009 we ended this show-saison on 2xCACIB Nitra. On Saturday, Bhoomi got in the Champion-class Exc. 1, CAC, res. CACIB and on Sunday she shined with Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB and
On these shows there were shown two puppies of Bhoomi - Ardinka (JCh. Khyi-Mi Ardin Lamleh) and Tarko (Khyi-Mi Avatar Lamleh). Both of them were succesfull and won the Intermediate class with 2x Exc.1, CAC. Congratulations, your succes make us very glad!
21.6.2009 Bhoomi archieved the titles Czech Champion and CZ Club Champion at the Tibetan Terrier Club club show in Lanskroun (CZ).
17. 5. 2009 Bhoomi was very successful on International Dog Show in Budapest! She won under Mrs. Vija Klucniece (LV) beautifuly klassification V1, CAC, CACIB and BOB! With the juniorhandler Angelika Bobrikova under Mr. David R. Miller (USA) they won 1. place in juniorhandling! And she ended her amazing day in Hungary with the win of the 9. Group FCI under Mrs. Chantal Méry (F)
We enjoyed a big show-pleasure and pride on 2. 11. 2008 in Nitra, where two of our puppies had their debut - Nuki (Khyi-Mi Anandi Lamleh) and Aryan (Khyi-Mi Aryan Lamleh). Both puppies did very well so as their owners and they got the best note Very promissing from the Puppy class. We was happy with Bhoomi too, she won under Mr. Robert Kanas the open class and then the CACIB-battle. With the classification Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Bhoomi fulfilled the conditions for the title Champion of Slovakia!
The day continued in the final-ring. In the competition of many very promissing puppies of the show, our Aryan was very succesfull and became the Res. Best Puppy In Show. Many congratulations to Aryan, Nuki and their families.

10. - 12. 10. 2008 We organized our first puppy-meeting from the litter Khyi-Mi "A" in Sulov. All puppies came, we all was really happy with the family-company. More pictures can you see under puppy-meeting.
25. 8. 2008 On weekend 16. - 17. 8. we was with friends Schambala, Sengge and Legs-Smon on dog-shows in Bratislava. Bhoomi evidently missed the showing and she showed herself beautifull on both show-days. On Saturday was the judge for Tibetan Terriers the President of Romanian Kennel Club, Mr. Christian Stefanescu (RO) and he judged Bhoomi as Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB. We was very glad on Sunday too, the Tibetan Terriers were judged by Mr. Miroslav Guniš (SK), who is judge for TT's more as 10 years and he placed Bhoomi in the open class also on first place with Excellent 1, CAC. We are very satisfied with the weekend. Many thanks to both judges.
The mother of Bhoomi, Sannynka (Mocowodos X-Model Xanthia), did well too, she won CACIB and fulfilled the conditions for Slowakian Grand-champion!!! Congratulations!
3. 8. 2008 Bhoomi is back in the show-rings! The dog-show in Zakopane (PL) was great relax after months with care about our pupies and it was very nice return among exhibitors. Bhoominka enjoyed showing herself and won great Excellent 1, CWC, Best bitch of breed, BOB!
6. 5. 2008 After 61 days waiting our first puppies are born. We have 3 boys and 2 girls. The parents of this litter - as Bhoomi so Diesel are typical healthy breed-representatives and that confirm the passed-out health-tests and also the excellent results on dog shows. More informations and photos from our first litter can you find under Litter A.
19. 4. 2008 Bhoomi is already 5 weeks pregnant. She enjoys her little secret as good as the beautiful spring days. Our friend Laco took the 'longer glas' for a walk and made a lot of nice pictures:

9. 1. 2008 We have our FCI kennel name! "Khyi-Mi" are two Tibetan words witch means Dog-Human.

25.11.2007 We have great news! Our Bhoomi had her eye-test and the results are perfect: her eyes are absolutely clear and she has also PRA, LL-OK!
On 17. - of November 2007 we were in Prague. Bhoomi took a walk with us in the historical centre. She was prepared for the show so she was wearing her jacket. And the reflex colour of her overall changed her to a police-dog for a while. Next day at the International Dog Show in Prag she showed herself very well and she won exc. 1, CAC and res. CACIB.

13. 5. 2007 Bhoomi won her class on International Dog Show Springdanube in Bratislava. Mr. Miroslav Guniš (SK) rated her on first place with exc. 1, CAJC and Bhoominka fulfilled with this the conditions for the title Slovak Juniorchampion. She makes us very happy!!!
At the show was even more successfull the mother of Bhoomi - Sanna, she won exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB! Congratulations to Bara And Martin. After the show we used the area of Incheba for a few pictures and a game in the green.

6. 5. 2007
We showed Bhoomi in rainy day in Banska Bystrica.
The wather was could and wet and Bhoomi was running in the wet grass not on 100%. But she was pretty standing and Mr. Robert Kanas (SK) rated her on first place from three young females with exc. 1, CAJC.

11. 2. 2007 Bhoomi met her brothers Ba-Lu and Bon-ri in Brno. So as a puppy at the breeder she showed them very quickly, how fresh they can be to her and she observ them very carrefully at the photoshooting too.
Bhoomi and Bonri have been showed in Brno and in the relative plentifull competition they get from the judge Mrs. Alena Košťálová in their class the victory. So Bhoomi get her fisrt CAJC!
At 5. 11. 2006 did us Bhoomi a great pleasure! On International Dog Show in Nitra (Slovakia) she won all that she was able to won. First her class with Very perspective 1 from Mrs. Libuše Ubrová (CZ) and then in the final Mr. Miroslav Guniš (SK) choosed her for the first place!!! Best In Show Female Puppy became Bhoomi Lamleh Schambala! We enjoyed it for the first time and we wish this pleasure to everyone! It ist fantastic! Here the video cut from Bhoomi's victory in Nitra.
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20. 6. 2006 The girl Bhoomi Lamleh Schambala is from today in our home. We hope, she will be happy. Bara, Martin, thank you for all!! |
JCh. Arien Lamleh Schambala
was in Slovakia

We have had a wonderfull weekend in the company of TT's and their friends! There was two International Dog Shows at this weekend in Bratislava. On Saturday 20. 8. 2005 the show took many time and the TT's came as the last into the ring at two p. m. The judge Mr. Erwin Deutscher /A/ was well disposed and he judged TT's nice and with smile. Arien enjoyed the showing and she won in the intermediate class an EXC. 1, CAC, and she fulfilled with this all the conditions for the title SLOVAK JUNIORCHAMPION |
20. 7. 2005 The summer vakation ended with a show-weekend. Arien was very happy after two weeks in the weekend house and maybe for first time she enjoyed the dog shows. We showed her in the East Slovakia in Košice. On Saturday 16. 7. 2005 at Terrier Specialty judged Mr. Róbert Kanás, who liked her alredy on May. She won all what she could and becam EXC 1, CC, Winner of the Specialty Show, BOB.
The triumphal march continued on Sunday 17. 7. 2005 under trees at National CAC Dog Show in the beautiful park with lakes in Košice-Barca, where Arien got from Mr. Miroslav Guniš EXC 1, CAJC. There she meet brother Jimi, who exceled this time in movement and in stand too and becam wonderful result EXC 1, CAJC, BOB and between best young dogs he got into the narrower selection. All the best Wisches to Jimi and Niebauers and we look happy forward to the next common show.![]()

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29. 12. 2004
Arien enjoyed Christmas really fully. She was like an angel at first and when we leave her home alone, she did an inventory on the Christmas table, she choosed a handful chocolate bonbons, a pack of wafer and finaly she poured herself with honey. She crowned the Christmas unplanned in bath. :o))) |
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Arien made us very proud on her first dog show (CACIB NITRACANIS / SK)! She didn't want to run in the ring, but she did show herself very pretty in the show-position and the judge Miroslav Guniš / SK rated her with
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